Despite our heroic efforts, we’re unable to contact 52 of our classmates. Help! If you have any clues about their whereabouts, or how we might contact them, please let us know.
(Married names in parentheses)
Abeles, Richard
Burstein, Matthew
Crawford, Patricia
D’Amato, Sam
De Roulet, Maribeth
DePoto, Donald
DiFranco, Robert
Donadio, Robert
Easton, Joan
Ellis, William
Falzo, Phillip
Ferguson, Patricia
Friedman, Andrew
Glassen, Susan (Mulrenan)
Glynn, Joan
Goldstein, Steven
Harrop, Susan
Heller, Emily
Hoesley, Jill
Jaenike, Patricia
Jankola, Linda
Jones, Doug
Kent, Shelly (Friis)
Lane, Pamela
Lisowski, Donna
Maloney, Gerard
Mann, Carol
Markowski, Diane
Mates, Steven
Meskill, Judith
Miller, James
Monkarsh, Steven
O’Connor, Paul
Pahde, Louise
Pucillo, Angela
Reber, William
Reisner, Andrea
Rose, Vicki
Rosenberg, Joyce
Sari, Michael
Schweiger, Janet (Kerr)
Stark, Kenneth
Sullivan, Harry
Taylor, Robert
Terzo, Joan
Tutela, Diane (Gallagher)
Vanden Heuvel, Wayne
Wilson, Theresa (Ruoff)
Winsten, Patricia
Wolff, Greg
Zadroga, Darlene